Monday, 26 December 2011

I've had enough

said the old looking grey bearded tramp (who in fact was only 27). He had enough of his miserable existence in an abandoned building on the edge of the forest, he was fed up with people passing him by on the streets and not noticing him, or even worse, looking away in disgust or shame, he was sick and tired of being sick, hungry and tired, he was depressed every time he thought about his past, couldn’t stand the sight or smell of his here and now and was literally sick and experienced chest pain whenever he thought about his future. On this Boxing Day he thought about his life once more, threw up his last breakfast and exercised his right to spontaneous combustion.


  1. Helou Sunčan,

    samovžig, kolikokrat se človek tako počuti.
    A vseeno, poglej v zadnjih minutah leta - končno moja knjiga, sem že skoraj obupala.
    Za kavico žal ne bom imela časa, ker se vse dogaja tako v zadnjih minutah - poslala ti jo bom po pošti, tako kot tudi drugim. Srečo je menda treba deliti :-) Upam, da ti bo vsaj malo všeč, meni je vsekakor dragocena. In hvala ti, da si jo pomagal ustvariti.

  2. Hi Suncan! How can I get in contact with you? Would like to ask you about a nice picture you took:)
    All the best, Mari Kvien Brunvoll, Norway!

  3. Zivjo Nevenka,

    komaj cakam da vidim tvojo knjigo, z veseljem sem ti pa tisto malo pomagal in upam da se kljub vseemu pomanjaknju casa kmalu vidiva in malce pokramljava...

    Hi Mari,
    I replied to your flickr mail you sent me and gave you my email address there... so looking forward to hearing from you soon,
    All the best to you and have a wonderful new year

  4. Hja, morda prve dni po novem letu? Ko so še prazniki, če ne boš preveč utrujen?
